Exploring Stellar Evolution in our Diverse Universe

Stars are the building blocks of galaxies and the universe. The age, composition and distribution of stars in the cosmos help to determine pieces of information about the history of the evolution of our universe. They are incredibly useful in creating and distributing heavy elements like carbon, nitrogen, iron and oxygen through nuclear fusion that are then recycled to make up other cosmological bodies like planets.

Image from: Space.com 

Introduction of the Formation of Stars

Stars are born within clouds of dust in galaxies such as the Orion Nebula. Then, turbulence and high activity in these clouds results in gas and dust to collapse under its own gravitational attraction. The material at the centre of the cloud begins to heat up and turns into a protostar.

A protostar is the beginning stage of a star bit the core is not hot enough for nuclear fusion to take place. The luminosity of the protostar comes from its heating and it is difficult to observe its light in the visible spectrum since the dust surrounding blocks the emitted light. The cloud continues to collapse, forming a dense core that collects dust and gas. During that, the protostar also builds a strong magnetic field when it starts to rotate that tends to generate protostellar wind which is basically the flow of particles out into the cosmos.

Image from: Physics World

Vocabubbleary: nuclear fusion is the process when 2 protons of an element merge to form a heavier atom like how 2 hydrogen nuclei combine to form one helium atom 

The protostar only becomes a main sequence star when the temperature of its core exceeds 10 million K since this is the temperature needed for hydrogen fusion to take place efficiently. This can take from 1 to 100 million years, depending on the mass of the star. This leads us to our discussion on main sequence stars, giant and supergiants, white dwarfs and lastly, neutron stars. This is called stellar evolution that is the way stars changes its composition and structure from the time its formed until it turns into remnants in the universe.

Image from: Britannica

Main Sequence Stars

As we mentioned, a main sequence star is formed when a protostar stars to gain heat to the point when nuclear fusion occurs and makes up about 90% of the stars in the cosmos. Fusion releases energy through the reaction which heats the star and creates more pressure than its own gravitational force, causing it to stop collapsing on itself. This process is known as maintaining hydrostatic equilibrium as seen in the image. The essential trait of a main sequence star is that it fuses hydrogen into helium in its core. Red dwarfs are also main sequence stars, in fact the smallest ones that are able to steadily burn their whole supply hydrogen into helium over trillions of years, but we will not be looking at these in much detail.

Image from: Cosmos ESA

These stars can be categorized according to their temperatures as estimated from their spectra (the amount of electromagnetic radiation emitted in different wavelengths). The types of stars are classified depending on their strength of their hydrogen spectral lines. From hot to cool stars, the order of stars is O (bluish), B (bluish-white), A (white), F (yellow-white), G (yellow), K (yellowish-orange) and M (red) where the hotter stars are usually known as early stars and the cooler as late. These can also be categorized as high, medium and low mass stars which determine their next stages in evolution. Higher mass stars fuse hydrogen to helium much faster and this results in higher surface temperatures and luminosities (being bluish and white). Low mass stars fuse hydrogen to helium in their cores much slower, being less hot and being redder in color, including our Sun.

Vocabubbleary: hydrogen spectrum is a line spectrum emitted by an excited hydrogen atom when its electrons jump from 2 energy levels. There are different wavelengths of light that can be emitted.

Image from: Ocean Property

The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is used by astronomers to trace the evolution stages of stars, and the graph uses the axes of temperature vs brightness to categorize the stages of stellar evolution.

Image from: Cosmos ESA

Giants and Supergiant Stars

When a main sequence star runs out of hydrogen in its core due to nuclear fusion, it starts to collapse since pressure against gravity is no longer created. This results in the core being squeezed which in turn increases its temperature and pressure which causes helium to fuse into carbon. When a main sequence star of high mass runs out of hydrogen in its core, it forms a red supergiant instead. This is similar to a red giant, however, it has a much higher size and of higher luminosity. Our Sun is a low mass star and hence, will become a red giant.

The hydrogen fusion starts to then take place in the star’s outer layers and expand, resulting in a red giant. Its surface temperatures also begins to drop since the energy on the surface becomes dissipated, turning it from yellowish-white to more orange or red. The red giant gradually becomes unstable and violently blowing away particles from its outer layers while expanding. Eventually its outer layers are shedded that creates an expanding cloud of dust and gas called a planetary nebula. Our sun will turn into a red giant in 5 billion years when all the hydrogen in the core is consumed.

Unlike red giants, supergiant stars are massive enough to continue nuclear fusion of helium and therefore, do not force out their atmospheres to turn into a nebula.

Image from: The Planet

When red giants begin to cool down and lose matter steadily through ejection which is very useful in the cosmos. Due to the constant loss of mass, these stars provide a lot of materials like dust and elements that is then used for the formation of newer stars and planets

White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars

The next step of stellar evolution dependant on if a red giant or a supergiant was formed, and is the final stage. Red giants progress into white dwarfs while supergiants explode as a supernova. After a red giant or a supergiant has ejected all of its outer layers and atmosphere, the core is left. As mentioned before, the surrounding gas expelled by the red giant turns into a planetary nebula that glows. In tandem with the gas, the remaining star core becomes a white dwarf. A white dwarf does not produce heat since fusion no longer takes place but it can emit visible light due to its heat. In around 10 billion years, the Sun will become a white dwarf after it lives as a red giant. Eventually, its cools down and is no longer visible.

Image from: Sky & Telescope

After a supergiant runs out of helium in its core from fusing into carbon, it shrinks and converts the carbon into neon. This process continues where neon is converted into oxygen, oxygen into silicon and lastly, silicon into iron. A lot of energy is being released in the process that prevents the core from collapsing under its own gravity with pressure. The next step would be fusing iron into a heavier element, but there is insufficient energy since it has mostly been released. This stops the pressure that was being created and causes the core to collapse on itself. The core then rebounds back to its original size which creates a shock wave and then, a huge explosion called a supernova. The resulting core is a dense neutron star which carries a lot of mass into a small area of space.

Image from: Space.com

Hubble Tea of the Post

Hubble has been successful in measuring the size of the nearest exoplanet of the most similar size to Earth. It is 22 light years away in a constellation known as Eridanus. The planet was passing a neighboring star which is called a transit when one celestial object passes in front of another. Usually, only grazing transit could have been detected with the poor optical resolution of technology, which results in a less accurate value of the planet’s diameter. However, with Hubble’s accuracy to distinguish between the 2 scenarios, they managed to detect its size to be 1.07 times of Earth’s diameter. This indicates that the planet likely has a similar surface gravity as Earth

Vocabubbleary: grazing transit is when a planet only partially transits its parent star

Image from: NASA

That wraps up today's post on stellar evolution and hope you learnt something insightful! Continue reading and see us soon for another wonderful post. Continue reading while sipping on space tea! ðŸ”­✨

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